Sunday, August 12, 2007

Orange, the Amphitheatre

Just a bus ride outside of Avignon is the city of Orange. Famed for its remaining amphitheatre, it boasts that it’s the best preserved in the Roman world (how many say that???!!!)? It is quite remarkable, though. The back wall, with statues and pillars still intact, runs 36 metres high. The theatre itself was begun in the 1st century under the reign of August. Today it hosts yearly events, from live theatre to rock concerts, that seat thousands of spectators. Since 1869, each year in July it presents the festival “Les Chorégies,” an event of art and shows that is known worldwide. What an amazing experience that would be. Maybe next time.

Photo: Le Thèâtre Antique d'Orange


VickyAnn said...

I love Ampitheatres, there was a beautiful one in Side, Turkey.

4 weeks today I'll be in Paris, bought my Eurostar ticket yesterday! I'm so lucky the city is less than 2 hours from London.

Lori Henry said...

Oooh, you'll have to tell me all about it! I found the Eurostar very comfy and so fast :) Hmmm, I'll have to add Side, Turkey to my list of places to visit...

VickyAnn said...

You can count on it! Nobody at work can shut me up about going, when it's over they'll be cursing me!

I always thought it'd be romantic to see a performance in an ampitheatre; a modern show surrounded by the past.
