Saturday, September 22, 2007

Toulouse, France

My first impression of Toulouse was experienced through frustration and lack of sleep. I had taken the overnight train from Paris and, unlike any other trains I’ve taken in France, this ride was horrible. I couldn’t sleep because I had to go to the washroom, but most were out of order and the others were in such a gross state, I couldn’t bring myself to actually use them. The ride lasted over 7 hours of excruciating hell. I arrived in Toulouse in the very early morning while it was still waking up. After checking in at the hotel, which of course wasn’t ready for me until the afternoon, I was refreshed with some tea and breakfast in their lounge. The rest of my few days here were much better, visiting the St-Sernin church, Le Pont Neuf, Place de Capitole (where all of the action takes place) and all of the exquisite hôtels particuliers. The city has a young vibe, as it’s filled with university students. The buildings are typical of the area, with wrought iron balconies in all different colours. I highly recommend the Hôtel Mermoz, who kindly hosted me for my stay.

Photo: St-Sernin Church at night

Read my article about the city here.


VickyAnn said...

I'm home :-( Paris was amazing of course, I felt at ease the moment I stepped onto the platform at gard du nord. My trip was changed at the last mintue so I didn't get as much time in Paris itself but got to see the Alps instead! I'm writing a little about it in my blog and putting up some pictures :-)

I flew into Toulouse once but because of delays didn't get there until midnight and left the next morning for Andorra; sounds like there is a lot more to the city.

Lori Henry said...

i'm glad to hear you're back safe and sounds (although sick!). sometimes a change of plan while travelling can be such a blessing, sometimes a curse- that's why it's always an adventure!