Sunday, September 16, 2007

Haworth, England

It was my dream for a long time to visit Haworth, England. It’s the village where the Bronte sisters grew up and wrote their captivating novels, my favourite being “Wuthering Heights.” I went this April and it was everything I imagined: the desolate but beautiful moors, the Bronte memorabilia, and the old parsonage (now the Bronte museum)… it was incredible. I stayed at the Ashmont Guest House, which was once occupied by Charlotte and her father’s physician. The village itself was quaint and lovely and one big hill! If you go, do not get off the bus at the bottom of the hill, the driver will take you to the top (I learned the hard way). The paths walked by the sisters are intact and you can see Penistone Craig, the waterfall, the church where the family is buried and, of course, the magnificent Parsonage museum. It really is worth the trip and needs about 2 solid days, at least, to experience everything. I also got a lot of great tips from my fellow travellers, as they were all on Bronte sister pilgrimages as well.

My travel article on Haworth can be found here.

Photo: The Moors, of course

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