Sunday, September 16, 2007

Stockholm and Uppsala, Sweden

I have a dear friend in Uppsala, Sweden. We met while she was living in Vancouver, Canada, but when she went back home, I knew I would have to make it to Sweden someday. And I did! I arrived in Stockholm from London and was met by my gal friend. Her mom picked us up and off to Uppsala we went. A sushi dinner and a lot of catching up later, we tired ourselves out and fell asleep. The next day was Stockholm and we rode the train downtown and walked around all day. A visit to the National Museum and more wandering, we found the BEST funky nightspot for eating without doing the club thing (except that I forgot the name). A few glasses of wine and delicious food later and we made our way back home. The next day was exploring Uppsala and watching a really passionate but totally bizarre religious show in the middle of the street (we took pictures and everything) and then to a Swedish Easter dinner with her family. Easily part of the top loveliest people on the planet, we talked politics, ate a beautiful meal and took the dog for a walk. I’d like to think all Swedish people are that wonderful.

Photo: Uppsala duck pond

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