Saturday, August 4, 2007

Flight to Paris, Train to Avignon

Photo: The ramparts that surround the downtown of Avignon

I was so excited the whole way to Paris, waiting impatiently to see the city again. Once I arrived, I knew I only had a couple of hours before I had to be on the train down south to Provence. When I got out of the airport in Paris, I realized that the whole transit system was on strike! I ended up catching an alternate train into the city but got stuck at some suburb station with so many others who were totally lost. Although I was speaking French fluently, the announcements on the loudspeakers were so fast and distorted that I had no idea what was happening. I ended up hanging out with a German family to bide the time until the train to Paris came over an hour later. I got to the city exhausted and irritable. I walked around for an hour until I had to board another train to Avignon. Another 5 hours of travelling, yippee. But the ride was amazing, as the route went through the countryside. By the time I arrived down south it was 11:00pm. Everyone around me suddenly disappeared and I was alone walking down the road in the direction I thought was right. You can read my funny tale that was published in the Vancouver Sun.

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