Friday, August 17, 2007

Les Angles, South of France

This little town just outside of Avignon was so cute. Really quiet, sleepy and with no tourists whatsoever. I took a local bus and got off when I thought I had hit the town centre. There was not a soul around. I had a little map that showed me where the “tourist attractions” were, which was a remnant of a tower and chapel, and an old community washing site. None of the sites were marked, so I walked around and around until I guesses which were which. The landscape was gorgeous, wide open and the air so fresh. I ended up staying the whole day, just walking around in solitude and enjoying the heat and leisure. [I hear now the town is changing, as it has a highly active industrial zone. It’s also a popular base for skiing and exploring the surrounding region.- see comments below]

Photo: typical of the houses and yards in Les Angles, France


jiminfrance said...

Hi Lori
Les Angles is just as you describe it. However, you seem to then go on to describe another Les Angles, which is in Languedoc, and is a ski resort. The Les Angles that you describe is as quaint as ever, and the rumours you heard about it being industrialised refer to the other Les Angles. Hope that cheers you up.
Like your pix of you.

Lori Henry said...

Thanks for your comment! I was told about this new development after posting the blog, so I added those last couple of lines. Glad to hear the Les Anges I went to is still the same!